Modern technology has made farming a much more efficient and productive industry, but you still need to make sure you get the right tools for the job. New equipment is often your best bet, but making sure you get the right version at a price you can afford can be tricky. We here at Burrows Tractor want to help you get the equipment you need, so we’ve put together a brief guide to buying the right farm equipment, below. To learn more, or to see the new farm equipment we have for sale, contact any of our three locations in Washington State or our store in North Plains, Oregon, today!


There are a lot of options on the market, and it’s all too easy to fall in love with fancy machines that you end up struggling to afford. To avoid that trap, we recommend you set up a budget beforehand so you know what’s realistic for your current situation. Take into account any savings that aren’t emergency funds, your monthly income and how much of that you can afford to spend, and other costs associated with equipment like fuel, maintenance, and accessories.

If you need to stretch your dollar, financing your purchase can help split up the full cost into a down payment of 10-20% of the stick price, followed by monthly payments for the rest of the cost plus interest.


Now that you know what you can realistically afford, it’s time to figure out what’s out there for you. There are a lot of tools designed to make farming easier, but different farms and crops require different types and variations of those tools. Figure out what equipment is designed for your type of farming, then make a list of the tasks you want your new equipment to handle. That list will help you land on the exact features and options you need. 

Also try searching online for reviews of any brands or models you’re considering to see if they have a positive track record.

Local Regulations

Different states and regions have different requirements and laws about who can use what equipment and how. That includes which equipment can be driven on roads and what they require, hours of service, registration, and more.

Find the Right Seller

Once you know what equipment and model you’re looking for and what you need to operate it, it’s important to find the right location to buy your equipment from. The two main options are private sellers and dealerships, and of the two, dealerships are the safer bet. While independent sellers may have unique options and pricing, they have little to no incentive to make sure you get what you paid for. Dealerships like Burrows Tractor, on the other hand, rely on positive customer experiences and reviews to keep running, so we’re more invested in giving you your money’s worth.

Ready to get started? Contact us at Burrows Tractor for more information, or to see our new farm equipment inventory. We proudly serve Oregon and Washington State—let us serve you today!