With spring finally here and warmer weather right around the corner, it’s time to pull your tractor out of storage and get it ready for a season of work. We’ve compiled a list of simple maintenance tasks you can do this spring to ensure your equipment is ready to go once the sun comes out. If you have any questions or want to browse tractors for sale, reach out to Burrows Tractor. We have three locations in Washington and one in North Plains, Oregon, so give us a call today!


Start your spring tractor preparations by inspecting the machine’s fluids. A long winter in storage can ruin the fluids in your tractor, so you’ll need to check on the engine, transmission, and hydraulic fluid chambers. Ensure that your fluids are free of water. This is important because impure fluids can cause your equipment to overheat.

Tighten Belts

The cold weather can be especially hard on your machine’s belts, so you’ll need to check on them before you start using your tractor this spring. If you notice any cracks or stretching, it’s time to replace the belts. This will prevent a potential belt snap, which can result in serious internal damage to the machine.

Test Brakes

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that your brakes are a critical component of your equipment. When left unused for a long period of time, brakes can develop rust. Before you use your tractor this spring, make sure the brakes are functioning properly.

Charge Battery

Your battery may be completely drained after months in storage. This means you’ll need to connect it to a charger. If the battery can’t hold a charge, you may need to replace it.

Replace Fuel

Ideally, you added fuel stabilizer before storing your tractor. If you didn’t, you’ll need to replace the fuel this spring. If your fuel has metal flakes or has turned dark, you need to empty the tank and refill it with fresh fuel.

Replace Filters

The fuel filter on your tractor prevents small debris from entering the engine, so you should clean or change the filter after storage. Don’t forget to check the air filter, oil filter, and hydraulic filter too.

Check Hydraulics

Next, check the hydraulic oil levels. Refer to your owner’s manual for information on how to maintain the hydraulics. Check the hoses for leaks or cracks since these can be hit hard during the cold weather.

We hope this guide helps you get your tractor ready for a spring filled with productivity and efficiency! If you still have questions or you want to buy some new equipment, call Burrows Tractor. We are proud to have three locations in Washington and one in Oregon. Our friendly staff looks forward to helping you find the perfect equipment for your operation!